
Articles Posted in Divorce


Court Says Marriage After Child Support Nullifies Payment Obligation – In re Marriage of Wilson

In a recent opinion, California’s Fourth District Court of Appeals explained that when a couple has children and later marries, the marriage nullifies a child support order entered prior to it, even if they later divorce. Mark Wilson and Tamara Bodine were not married when their son was born in…


Best Divorce Strategies – Listen, Seek to understand, Focus on the future, Heal

Conflict in the context of divorce can be emotionally and financially debilitating. Family court judges commonly make decisions and orders based on how the law applies to what has already transpired between the parties, to the past. And this approach keeps the spouses in a conflict trap where they are…


California Divorce Attorney Undermines Couple’s Efforts to Reach Agreement – Just Say No To Litigation

Sometimes, quite often in fact, the flames of conflict in divorce cases are fanned by attorneys who have more to gain from conflict than from resolution. Against my better judgment, I recently accepted a litigation case with the hope that perhaps I could help facilitate a negotiated settlement. It appeared…


Childhood Obesity in California Custody & Vistation Disputes

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 17%, or about 12.5 million, of the nation’s children and teens are obese. Since 1980, according to CDC statistics, obesity rates have nearly tripled. Should parents of extremely obese children lose custody for not controlling their kids’ weight? An article…


California’s Child Custody and Relocation Laws Make it Possible for Parents to Move Away With Their Children.

Since Americans both divorce and move in significant numbers it is no surprise that move-away and relocation issues between divorced parents arise frequently. The consequences of a move-away case can profoundly impact both the parents and their children and the cases are far more conflicted than the typical high-conflict child…


Grandparent Visitation in California

A recent California Court of Appeal opinion upheld a grant of visitation to a grandparent over a father’s objection. Child custody and visitation issues often give rise to the most high conflict disputes in a California divorce. If parents can’t agree about living arrangements, vacation schedules and the best educational…


New California Law Allows Mature Children to Be Heard in Custody Matters

Until now, the law in California regarding a child’s ability to address the court in his or her parents’ custody case has been very limited, and rarely are children able to testify. Courts have typically heard the child’s perspective through reports, or from third parties, such as the court-appointed mediators…

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