
California Divorce in the Age of Coronavirus

In addition to slamming the economy and claiming lives, it appears the coronavirus is also claiming marriages.

In China, New York and elsewhere, there has been a substantial increase in filings and inquiries to attorneys from folks seeking divorce since the lockdowns and shelter-in-place orders. Being isolated in forced togetherness has a way of illuminating and amplifying marital discord. Another possible reason may be that declines in the stock market create a situation where wealthier spouses may consider this a better time to opt out while their net worth declines so as to avoid a larger settlement.

Currently, the courts in California are closed except for domestic violence filings so those who are ready to proceed have few options unless they opt for alternative process such as mediation. Working with a mediator, couples can manage the entire divorce process without ever having to step inside a court, and can typically resolve the issues far more quickly and at much less cost financially and emotionally.

And in this time of lockdowns and social distancing, a mediated divorce can also proceed without any personal contact through the use of web-based meetings, telephone conferences, email and snail mail.

To discuss this further please contact Lorna Jaynes.

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